Welcoming Zoraiz Zakir to the Squash Ontario Team


Please join us in welcoming Zoraiz Zakir to the Squash Ontario team! Zoraiz (or Zora) will be filling the role of Sport Development Coordinator with us on a contract basis for the remainder of 2021. This position was made possible thanks to the Summer Experience Program and Canada Summer Jobs grants.

In this brand new role, Zora’s goal will be to introduce 5,000 new players to the game through an Open House Campaign, School Squash, Adult Sport and Social clubs, and much more. After our courts were shut down for too long due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this role will be imperative to see that our sport bounces back with a focus on grassroots development and building programs that will ultimately feed into athlete pathways.

Zora first worked with Squash Ontario as a student intern through the Durham College Sport Business Management postgraduate program earlier in 2021 where he helped with school squash outreach and marketing campaign research. Before this, he has had various roles as a coordinator, coach, and player with several different sports with his primary interest being cricket.

We’re excited to welcome Zora to the team and are sure that he will hit the ground running! Feel free to reach out to Zora at zoraiz@squashontario.com to welcome him to squash and/or share ideas of how we can bounce back after a year and a half away from the courts.