Squash Ontario’s data, Rankings and Tournament Platform


The Club Locker Platform

Club Locker is an all-in-one rankings, tournament, reservations and data management platform that is currently being used by US Squash, the World Squash Federation and Squash Canada.  Squash Ontario, in conjunction with Squash Canada, went through an extensive RFP process from 2016-2018 to select a unified platform that will best serve it’s membership.

Squash Ontario administers all tournaments and rankings through Club Locker and regional leagues and clubs may choose to administer their programs through the platform as well.

Ratings and Rankings

Players will have both a rating and a ranking. Each individual member of Squash Ontario will have a real-time universal rating (2.0 – 7.0) that will allow players from Windsor to Ottawa and Thunder Bay to Niagara Falls to engage and interact with one another. A rating is a general sense of a player’s level that is calculated based on a universal algorithm used for players all over the world. It is based not only on your own results but the results of opponents you have interacted with and becomes more accurate the more results that are logged.  Ratings can be filtered by all age categories as well as club, league and regionally. For example, player X has a rating of 3.5 and therefore will be a similar level to player Y with a rating of 3.4, but will be stronger than player Z with a rating of 2.1.

Ratings will replace rankings for senior adult play and be used as tournament category guidelines and seedings for events.  Ratings can be filtered by all age categories as well as club, league and regionally. Ontario’s list of top players in each adult division will be filtered with the highest rating in position 1, second highest rating in position 2, etc.

Rankings will continue to be generated for junior play based on the existing head to head algorithm for 2019-20 and although ratings with also be generated, all policies (event, team selection, and seedings) will continue to use a ranking.

Players must play 5 eligible sanctioned matches over a 2 year period to maintain their ranking.

A doubles algorithm and rankings program will be developed over the summer.


All former and current Squash Ontario individual members have had their accounts transferred from the previous Tournament Software system to Club Locker, including tournament results.  Please make sure all the contact information is correct in your account. To check this, click on “Edit” in the top right-hand corner. As with tournament software, only matches between active Squash Ontario members will show up in the system.

Already had an account with Squash Ontario?

Log into your Club Locker account using your email and password from your Tournament Software previous account.

Forgot your password? Click on the “Forgot username/password?” and enter your email address. A reset password link will be emailed to you.

Forgot your Username? The email associated with your previous Squash Ontario account will work as your username. Click on the “Forgot username/password?” and enter your email address. A reset password link will be emailed to you where you can update your username as well.

Please update your account information after you log in for the first time.

Create New Account

To create a new player account, click on “create account” and follow the prompts to set up the account. You will then log in using your email as the ‘username’ and password chosen in the previous step. Please go through the prompts to add additional information to your account. 

Club Affiliations

By clicking on your name in the top right corner, you will see all of your “Affiliations”. As a member of Squash Ontario, you will be affiliated with Squash Canada, Squash Ontario, and your Home Club. By clicking on each Affiliation, you will see the squash activity, ratings, and events for that Affiliation.  Only the home club’s that currently use Club Locker will have active court booking and event listings.

My Profile

To view match history, scheduled events, rankings, and more, click on your name in the top right of the page, then click on “My Profile”.


Squash Ontario Individual Memberships are required for anyone competing in a Provincial and National Championship event. To purchase or update your membership, click on your name in the top right corner, then click on Squash Ontario, Membership, Buy Membership. This membership will be active for one year, starting from the date purchased.  You will receive an email when it’s time to renew your membership.

Membership Types

  • Squash Ontario Individual Membership - $35.00 annual membership. This membership is required for anyone competing in a Provincial and National Championship event, or to maintain a provincial and national ranking.

  • Non-Resident Affiliate - This is for out-of-province players who do not have a Club Locker account but wish to participate in Ontario events.

Tournament Registration

To register for a tournament, locate the tournament through the Squash Ontario Calendar at or through Club Locker by clicking on “Tournaments” in the main menu after logging in. All upcoming events are listed until the “Scheduled” button. Register for each event by clicking on the tournament link, and then clicking on “Sign Up”.

Draws, results and schedules will be found on these tournament pages throughout the event.

Club Locker for Clubs and Leagues

We are encouraging all clubs and leagues to take advantage of this powerful platform for in house programming, tournaments and their own internal rating system. If implemented at the club or league level, associated match results will feed into player ratings.

The service is FREE for all Squash Ontario Affiliated clubs provided that all users are part of the Project 10K membership program. Please contact Lynsey Yates at for more information on how to get Club Locker integrated to your club or league.

Squash Ontario is committed to a smooth transition to Club Locker and is excited to be able to service our membership and run our organization with the most powerful platform in the world.  The project is a large and complex one that will no doubt have some speed bumps along the way.  We appreciate our amazing community’s support and patience during the process – pleases contact any of our staff at any time if you have questions, comments or concerns about Club Locker.