
Squash Ontario has a long tradition as a leader in high performance squash worldwide.  Starting from Under 9 juniors all the way up to 75 plus senior athletes, Ontario has produced and developed international caliber players, including several world champions.  We are committed to continuing this winning tradition through our Team Ontario initiatives including Team Ontario Senior and Masters programs, Quest for Gold, Canada Winter Games, and the provincial championships circuit.


Under 11, 13 and 15 Talent Identification Program

Each season, Squash Ontario hosts a fall, winter and summer Talent ID Camp for both boys and girls under 11, 13, 15 players. Athletes are invited based off their Provincial club locker ranking to a 2-day camp with top coaches and older mentor athletes. This includes technical, tactical, fitness and match play components.

These camps are a great way for our top talent or up and coming juniors from across Ontario to come together and participate in high level training. Athletes are able to interact with each other and certified coaches outside of regular competition to learn proper training techniques, new drills and best practices.

National Training Centre of Ontario

Squash Ontario is pleased to be working with Squash Canada to run high performance training opportunities throughout the year. The aim of the NTCO is to create training opportunities for Ontario-based athletes with National Squad and Olympic aspirations.

Our summer training program runs through July and August for the national squad athletes, as well as top senior, university and junior players from Ontario. The aim is to help those who want to use the Summer period to work hard on their game in preparation for the next season in a structured, professional environment with two weekly sessions. Top level sparring partners and our best coaches also attend each session, which will contain a mix of drilling, match play and fitness testing.

The in-season fall and winter training programs are targeted towards our top junior level players. Multiple training sessions will run throughout the season on weekends where there are not competing Gold or NJC level tournaments. Our top ranked boys and girls will be invited to participate in high intensity training and match play sessions alongside sparring partners and some of our best coaches. Junior players will be expected to play in a minimum of 3 Ontario golds and/or provincials in the previous season to be included in this program.

These sessions will take place in the GTA and are a great way to bring together our best players from across Ontario. Invitations to join these programs will be based off rankings, current national squad selection, as well as younger junior athletes who have potential to be incoming junior squad members.

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The Ontario Games Program includes 5 multi-sport Games that provide athletes of all ages, from all regions of Ontario the chance to compete against their fellow provincial athletes. The Ontario Games Program gives participants, communities, volunteers and everyone a chance to celebrate sport in Ontario.

Squash Ontario has been a part of the Games since 1981 and they are a key component of our junior athlete model and long term athlete development plan.  8 divisions will compete in the Ontario Winter Games:

  • Boys Under 19

  • Girls Under 19

  • Boys Under 17

  • Girls Under 17

  • Boys Under 15

  • Girls Under 15

  • Boys Under 13

  • Girls Under 13

For many athletes, being part of the Games has been a springboard to Ontario and National Teams.

8 regions compete in squash:

  • Greater Toronto Area East

  • Greater Toronto Area West

  • Greater Toronto Area North

  • Northern/Muskoka

  • Ottawa and District

  • Western Ontario

  • Southwestern Ontario

  • Niagara Region

Depending on the deadlines provided by the Ministry, teams will be chosen based on Squash Ontario Junior Rankings as of a specific date, the year of the OWG. If the deadline allows for it, regional teams outside of the GTA will host try-outs to compete for a spot on the team in December.

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canada winter games

The Canada Games is a high-level multi-sport event with a National Artists Program held every two years in Canada, alternating between the Canada Winter Games and the Canada Summer Games. Athletes are strictly amateur only, and represent their province or territory.

The Games were first held in 1967 in Quebec City as part of Canada's Centennial celebrations. For the first time in Canada's history, 1,800 athletes from 10 provinces and two territories gathered to compete in 15 sports. Under the Games motto "Unity through Sport", these first Canada Winter Games paved the way to what is now Canada's largest multi-sport competition for young athletes.

Squash was included as a winter sport in 1991 and since then Ontario has had a strong tradition of success with 11 gold, 5 silver, and 2 bronze medal over 8 Games for men, women and team events combined. The next squash competition will be held in Prince Edward Island, in 2023. 

Selection Criteria

  • The Team Ontario squad will be named before the start of the 2021 season based off of rankings. Players who are not initially named to the squad are still eligible to make the selected team if they meet all requirements.

  • Top 2 ranked Boys and Girls in the U19 and U17 categories as of December 1st, 2022 whom are still in those age categories by March 6th, 2023 will be selected to represent Ontario based off rankings.

  • Must participate in the 2022 Ontario Junior Open, 2022 Gold # 1, 2022 Gold # 2, the 2022 Ontario Junior Closed Championships, and attend training camps set up by Squash Ontario.

  • If an athlete is attending a post-secondary or educational institution abroad as a full-time student in the Fall of 2022, they may request an exemption of participating in Gold #1 and Gold #2 but must participate in the 2022 Ontario Junior Closed.

  • The Squash Ontario Junior Committee and Provincial coaches reserves the right to request a trial if rankings are considered insufficient in delta and there are insufficient head to head results from mandatory events.

  • In the case of injury or illness for not attending a required selection event, a medical certificate will be required. Squash Ontario must be notified of the injury immediately. The medical certificate must include, but not be limited to, the date of injury, diagnosis, treatment plan, and expected date to return to training/competition.


To qualify for Team Ontario Masters and participate in the Canadian Masters Team Championships, players must meet the below criteria.

Men’s Team 

The men’s team will comprise of four (4) players; one over the age of 40, at least one of whom must be over the age of 45, at least one other must be over the age of 50 and at least one further player must be over the age of 55. Playing position on the team will be determined by the team captain and Squash Ontario.

Women’s Team

The women’s team will comprise three (3) players; one over the age of 40, at least one of whom must be over the age of 45 and at least one other must be over the age of 50.  Playing position on the team will be determined by the team captain and Squash Ontario.

Eligibility Criteria 

  • Be an individual member in good standing of Squash Ontario at the date of selection

  • Be either a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant

  • Have resided in Ontario for 12 months prior to the date of the Ontario Masters Closed Championship

  • Age eligibility as of the last day of the Canadian Masters Teams Championship


  • Players MUST participate in the 2024 Ontario Masters Closed Championships

  • Winners of the following divisions will be invited to join Team Ontario: Men’s 40+, 45+, 50+, 55 +, Top finishers in the Women's A division (or next highest division) who fall under the following age groups; Women’s 40+, 45+, 50+.

  • If divisions are combined and there is no head to head match ups, the top finishers of each combined age group will be selected (ie. Men’s 40/45+ division, the top finisher aged over 40+ will be selected and the top finisher over 45+ will fill that spot). If the top finisher declines to participate, the second placed finisher will be invited.

  • If the winner of a draw declines to participate on Team Ontario, Squash Ontario reserves the right to place a higher ranked, winner of an older division to the team (ie. If Women’s 50+ winner declines and the 55+ winner is higher ranked than the runner up, they will be invited to take the 50+ spot).

Coach and Manager Selection:

For the Ontario and Canada Winter Games, a call for Coaches will be sent out ahead of time to certified Coaches from Ontario.

Ontario Winter Games coaches must be trained or in training at the Coaching Foundations level or higher and must live and/or coach in the region you are being selected for. Each region will have one certified coach and one manager (typically a competing athlete’s parent or the coaches spouse). One must be male and one must be female for chaperoning purposes.

Canada Winter Games coaches must be trained at the Provincial Coaching level. Both events will have other requirements and training to complete from the Ministry and/or Squash Canada. There will be an interview process for qualified applicants, which will be attended by a Squash Ontario stand member, as well as members from the Junior and High Performance committees. One male and one female coach will be selected at the Team Ontario provincial coaches.

For NTCO and TID programs, local certified coaches will be contacted in a call for interest. Priority will be given to coaches with experience working with Juniors and high performance players. If a coach is interested in shadowing these programs to gain relevant experience, please contact lauren@squashontario.com.

All coaches, managers and chaperones at the above Squash Ontario events and programs will be required to go through a criminal background check.

Officials Selection:

A call for officials will be sent out at the beginning and middle of each season for any event which requires a Tournament Referee and/or a team of officials. Officials must be certified at the club level at a minimum and will have opportunity for assessments throughout the season. Officials will be asked to complete all requirements laid out by Squash Ontario and Squash Canada, including Concussion Awareness training. Tournament Referees for Provincial Championships must be a minimum Provincial Level Official. For questions regarding officiating, contact admin@squashontario.com.