Call for Applications for the Squash Ontario Board of Directors


Squash Ontario is seeking one new member to serve on the Board of Directors for 2021 – 2023.

Squash Ontario is a not-for-profit organization that acts as the provincial governing body for our sport in Ontario. The organization is governed by 7 board of directors who provide vision and leadership for the overall direction of Squash Ontario as well as craft and monitor the policies and procedures that allow it to function. The directors are elected by the members of Squash Ontario at the annual general meeting for a two year term of which a maximum of 3 consecutive terms can be held. The president of the organization and vice president of finance are elected by the board themselves annually.


VISION - Squash Ontario will be a leading lifelong recreational and competitive sport in Ontario.

MISSION - To grow the game of squash in Ontario.

Core Values: Integrity - Respect - Excellence - Leadership - Safety




Individuals are eligible for the Board of Directors if they are:

-        An individual member or honorary member in good standing with Squash Ontario,

-        A member in good standing of a member club/facility,

-        Must be 19 years of age or older, who has the power under law to contract,

-        Must be a resident of Ontario, and

-        Must clearly support the vision, mission and values of Squash Ontario.

The successful candidate will have no conflict of interest (whether actual or perceived) with Squash Ontario or any of its affiliations which would prevent them from fulfilling their fiduciary duty to Squash Ontario.

Board of Directors’ Philosophy

The current Board of Directors operates under the philosophy that the job of the board is: to establish the guiding principles and policies for the organization; to delegate responsibility and authority to those who are responsible for enacting the principles and policies; to monitor compliance with those guiding principles and policies; to ensure that staff, and board alike are held accountable for their performance.

Board Terms

Squash Ontario’s policy is to provide for succession planning on its Board of Directors.  As a consequence, the board terms are staggered.

This year’s Nominating Committee is seeking candidates to fill the following terms:

One (1) director member to serve for a two-year term, beginning 9 September 2021 through 9 September 2023. This Board member will join directors Vinit Kudva, Leah Desbarres, Brian Arlin and Natasha Seth who are completing their 2020-2022 term, while directors Gordon Campbell and Dan Van Moorsel will be seeking re-election for the 2021-2023 term.


Squash Ontario welcomes and encourages all interested individuals to put their names forward for the Board of Directors; however, preference will be given to those who have proven skills and background in the following areas – areas which are of key importance to the Corporation.  These areas have been identified by a comprehensive needs assessment review and SWOT analysis:

  • Marketing

  • Corporate/Business/ Fundraising

  • Programming

  • Strategic and Business Planning        

The Board of Directors meets approximately every six weeks, usually by conference call. In addition, it meets on a face to face basis 1 or 2 times a year.  Members of the Board are expected to attend all Board meetings. 

Deadline applications is 30 July 2021.