A Special Notice from the Squash Ontario COVID-19 Task Force 

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A Special Vaccination Notice from the Squash Ontario COVID-19 Task Force 

Prior to the newest Roadmap to Reopen plan, the COVID-19 Task Force recommended additional measures in the Squash Ontario Guidelines beyond the specific requirements in the regulations (e.g. masks on court).  This was done with the primary focus to decrease the spread of COVID-19 and the associated risk for both clubs and players, due to the nature of our sport. With virus case numbers dropping and a new 3-step re-opening plan, we are optimistic about a return to squash as early as July 23rd, with the return of a squash season in the Fall. However, to get there we will need the cooperation of the squash community.  

Vaccinations in the General Population 

At the most recent meeting of the COVID-19 Task Force on May 31st, 2021, it was decided that at this time we would not make any additional recommendations beyond the requirements set forth in the regulations, but we would strongly encourage all eligible squash community members to get vaccinated against COVID-19. The more vaccinated the population, the faster Ontario will move through the government’s Roadmap to Reopen plan with Step 3 permitting indoor sports (with restrictions). It is imperative that players feel safe on court so that our sport can continue to be a fun and safe way to sweat, compete, and socialize.  A vaccinated population will be the only way that our sport can return to normal.

Return to Play Competitions Policy

To ensure that Squash Ontario’s sanctioned competitions can be executed safely, we are actively considering a Return to Play Competitions Policy requiring various protocols to ensure our environment is as safe as possible for our athletes (including such things as screening, testing and masks). Players who would like to provide government issued proof in advance of the event that they are fully vaccinated, with the second dose having been administered at least 14 days prior to the event, may be exempt from some or all of those protocols.  As such, we strongly encourage all those eligible to receive a vaccine to do so quickly, so that a second dose can be administered prior to competitions in the Fall, which will help with the overall tournament experience for everyone involved.  Further details about the Return to Play Competitions Policy will be circulated when the Ontario government publishes regulations relating to Steps 2 and 3 of the Roadmap to Reopen plan, and as circumstances evolve.  

Squash Ontario is committed to safe reopening of squash, and a vaccinated population is only way to accomplish that.