Online Coaching Courses for Current and Aspiring Coaches!


As we step away from the courts, we wanted to remind the squash community that there are plenty of ways to stay engaged with sport through online programming, receive Professional Development credits towards your certification and to get a head start on completing some courses you may need to do in the future!

Many courses are available through eLearning (complete on your own time), through Home Study (materials are mailed to your house to complete) or through online classes. Below is a list of all upcoming online classes (from April - June).


List of courses required for Squash Instructor Certification (level 1):

  • NCCP Making Ethical Decisions LINK (May 1st, May 9th, May 10th, May 16th, May 17th, May 27th, June 17th, June 20, June 21, June 27, June 28) $75.00 and up

    • By successfully completing the NCCP Make Ethical Decisions training, coaches will be fully equipped to handle ethical situations with confidence and surety. The training helps coaches identify the legal, ethical, and moral implications of difficult situations that present themselves in the world of team and individual sport. 

  • NCCP Planning a Practice LINK (May 29th, 12 - 5:30 pm) $85.00 and up

    • This module’s goal is to prepare coaches to plan safe and effective practices.

  • Sport Nutrition (eLearning course, access through The Coach Locker) Cost - $20.00

    • Good nutrition is important for both athletic performance and maintaining a healthy lifestyle outside of sport. By helping their participants make good nutrition choices, coaches not only empower them to perform their best, they help them to establish positive dietary habits that can last a lifetime.

List of courses required for Club Coach Certification (level 2):

  • NCCP Teaching and Learning LINK (May 23, 5:30 - 10:30 pm) $85.00

    • After completing this module you will be able to assess your own beliefs regarding effective teaching; analyze certain coaching situations to determine if they promote learning; Create conditions that promote learning and self-esteem; use teaching assessment grids to gather objective information on teaching effectiveness, and use this data to develop an action plan to enhance your own effectiveness as a teacher and coach.

  • NCCP Basic Mental Skills LINK (May 15, 12:00 - 4:00 pm) $75.00

    • After completing the NCCP basic Mental Skills modules gives you the ability to: Recognize signs indicating that an athlete may need to improve his/her goal setting, focus, and anxiety control skills; and develop tools to help the athlete to make improvements in these areas; Run simple guided activities that help athletes improve basic mental skills.

  • NCCP Designing a Sports Program LINK (May 22, 12:00 - 5:00 pm) $75.00

    • By completing the NCCP Design a Basic Sport Program you will be able to: Create a sound outline for your sport program that includes competition and training events; Compare your program to those outlined by the NCCP in terms of long-term athlete development; Assess the athletic development opportunities your program offers, and identify ways to remedy any weaknesses; Interpret the information in a sample program, identifying training priorities and objectives at certain periods; Establish a link between your program’s training objectives and the content of practice sessions.

List of courses required for Provincial Coach Certification (level 3):

  • NCCP Managing Conflict (June 19, 6:00 - 11:00 pm) LINK $75.00 + HST *Organized by Squash Ontario- Discounted rate ($60.00 + HST) for squash coaches.

    • The NCCP Managing Conflict module will allow you to: Identify common sources of conflict in sport; Determine which individuals or groups are most likely to find themselves in situations involving conflict; Learn important skills that will help you prevent and solve conflict resulting from misinformation, miscommunication or misunderstanding; Develop skills that will empower you to listen and speak effectively in conflict situations while maintaining positive relationships with athletes, parents, officials and other coaches

  • NCCP Leading Drug free Sport (May 20th, 6:00 - 10:00 pm) LINK $65.00 + HST*Organized by Squash Ontario- Discounted rate ($50.00 + HST) for squash coaches.

    • After taking this module you will be able to: Fully understand and explain the consequences of using banned substances in sport; Educate athletes about drug-testing protocols at major competitions; Encourage athletes to safeguard their sport values and take greater responsibility for their personal actions; Apply the NCCP Ethical Decision-Making Model to your coaching as it relates to keeping your sport and athletes drug-free

  • NCCP Psychology of Performance (May 29 and May 30th) LINK $85.00 + HST *Organized by Squash Ontario - Discounted rate ($60.00 + HST) for squash coaches.

    • Completing Psychology of Performance will allow you to: Help athletes learn to manage distractions and use visualization techniques to prepare themselves technically and tactically for training and competition; Learn how to work with athletes or teams to identify performance and process goals related to their ability to focus on performance; Learn debriefing skills that can be used to help athletes assess their performance in both training and competition.


Squash Canada Professional Development Webinars Series:

  • Understanding Officiating for Coaches (April 30th, 12:00 pm) LINK $13.50 + HST

    • This presentation is targeting coaches with explanations of what the Referees are looking for in terms of player movement and why these Referees are giving the decisions made: The principal topics include: General Principles; Striker playing the ball (minimal interference, created interference and winning return); Non-Striker Clearing their last shot (effort to clear, direction of clearing); Question and Answers.

  • Developing High Performance Habits (May 20, 12:00 pm) LINK $13.50 + HST

    • What stage in LTPD, Mindset, Allowing flexibility and creativity, Training smart, Access to facilities and personnel, Training/Study balance

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Coaches Association of Ontario Professional Development Courses

  • Free Coach to Coach Webinar – Building a Positive Parent Culture (May 5, 7-8 pm) LINK

    • Why are sporting parents often a source of frustration for coaches and athletes when they could be (and should be) a key factor in the sporting success of their children? How can we get parents more actively and positively engaged in their child’s success?

      This interactive webinar will leave you feeling confident about your role interacting with parents, new relationship building and communication strategies that will surely elevate your abilities to engage with parents, instead of dealing with them.

  • Free Coach to Coach Webinar – Fitness of the Mind (May 20, 7-8 pm) LINK

    • Enhance your understanding of common adolescent struggles, and the signs and symptoms of issues as they arise, both on and off the field. This workshop will help you recognize early warning signs of difficulties such as anxiety, depression, attention and learning issues, social difficulties and the therapeutic interventions that can help in managing these difficulties your athlete’s may be facing.

  • NCCP Empower + (May 31, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm) LINK $49.00

    • NCCP Empower+ (EMP+) is an intense and thought-provoking workshop that will teach you how to enhance the well-being of your athletes and be a positive role model in the world of sport.

  • NCCP Mentorship (May 31, 10:00 - 5:30 pm) LINK $75.00

    • The NCCP course prepares individuals for their roles as mentors with clarity of purpose and confidence in their actions. The training reaffirms and strengthens their abilities and skills as a mentor, while expanding upon the mentor’s knowledge of the mentoring process. Completing the training will provide the mentor with the necessary standards and protocols to implement mentoring within their coaching community.


eLearning Professional Development Courses (available anytime):

  • Coach Initiation in Sport - $15.00

    • Coach Initiation in Sport is an online NCCP module developed to introduce new or experienced coaches to the foundational skills in coaching, such as: long-term athlete development, ethics, coaching motivation, and athlete safety and wellness. The Coach Initiation in Sport module will also introduce coaches to the NCCP, a valuable tool for preparing a coach’s first in-person NCCP workshop.

  • Coaching Athletes with a Disability - $15.00

    • Coaching Athletes with a Disability is a National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) eLearning module that provides coaches the knowledge to deliver quality, positive sport experiences for athletes, specifically with behavioural, intellectual, physical, and sensory disabilities.

  • NCCP Emergency Action Plan - FREE

    • This NCCP eLearning activity on creating and using an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) prepares coaches to respond calmly, quickly and effectively if a sport participant is seriously injured during practice or competition.

  • NCCP Sport Nutrition - $20.00

    • Good nutrition is important for both athletic performance and maintaining a healthy lifestyle outside of sport. By helping their participants make good nutrition choices, coaches not only empower them to perform their best, they help them to establish positive dietary habits that can last a lifetime.

  • Making Head Way - FREE

    • Making Head Way is the National Coaching Certification Program’s (NCCP) free, online answer to the prevalence and ambiguity of concussion in sport. Parents, coaches, and athletes all benefit from knowing as much as possible about concussion and this online learning tool is designed to help coaches gain the knowledge and skills required to ensure the safety of their athletes. The Making Head Way NCCP module covers: what to do to prevent concussions, how to recognize the signs and symptoms of a concussion, what to do when you suspect an athlete has a concussion, and Return to Play and Return to Learn protocols.

  • Safe Sport Training - FREE

    • Safe, inclusive sport environments help make sport rewarding and enriching for all. By completing Safe Sport Training you will gain the knowledge and skills to create healthy and safe environments by recognizing, addressing and preventing maltreatment in sport.

All available through the Coach Locker.

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Respect in Sport

  • Program for Activity Leaders LINK - FREE

    • The Respect in Sport Activity Leader/Coach Program educates youth leaders, coaches, officials and participants (14-years and up) to recognize, understand and respond to issues of bullying, abuse, harassment and discrimination (BAHD). It may be the single most important training your leaders will receive to assist them in creating a safe, healthy and respectful environment for all participants!


Sport for Life Campus - LINK

  • Stepping Stones to Indigenous Sport and Physical Activity Participation - $24.95

  • Welcome to Canada: Engaging Newcomers in Sport and Physical Activity - $24.95

    • Newcomers to Canada require an individualized approach to enhance their own level of physical literacy through quality, stage-appropriate experiences. This course explores the barriers newcomers face to participation and solutions to address those barriers.

  • Introduction to Long-Term Development in Sport and Physical Activity - $9.98

    • This course has been designed to help you create fun, safe, positive, and developmentally appropriate quality sport and physical literacy experiences for people of all ages and abilities.

  • Introduction to Physical Literacy - $9.98

    • Front-line physical activity workers will be introduced to the concept of physical literacy, and be able to identify the key elements of a supportive physical literacy environment.

  • Movement Preparation Part 1 - $24.95

    • Develop an understanding of why physical literacy is important and how by using physical literacy movement preparation as a warm-up effectively, it can increase the durability and performance of athletes while decreasing their risk of injury.

  • Diversity and Inclusion Training for Volunteers - $39.95

    • Volunteers are the public face of community events, non-profit organizations, and the corporate sponsors that support those events and organizations. Volunteer workforces should be diverse and inclusive, and every volunteer should feel safe, respected, and appreciated at all times. This course educates volunteer workers about acceptable and unacceptable attitudes and behaviours, how to respond appropriately, and their role in supporting a respectful, productive volunteer environment.

  • Canadian Indigenous Culture Training - Truth and Reconciliation Edition - $39.95

    • This edition has been designed in accordance with the Truth & Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action (2015) and includes information about the history and legacy of residential schools, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Treaties and Indigenous rights, Indigenous law, and Indigenous-Crown relations. This course has been developed by the Indigenous Leadership Development Institute of Canada.

  • Cultural Awareness in Youth Sport - $24.95

    • Sport offers many opportunities to meet people and learn about various cultures. This course on Cultural Awareness in Youth Sport examines the basic concept of culture and provides sport leaders with practical ways to model cultural awareness to youth players.

  • HeadStartPro Coaching Course - $69.95

    • In the Headstartpro Coaching Course you will learn to help your athletes achieve their full potential with a performance-driven, mental training process. This course is appropriate for coaches with athletes in the Learn-to-Train, Train-to-Train, and Train-to-Compete stages of the Long Term Athlete Development model (LTAD).

  • Risk Management in Sport - $24.95

    • Risk Management in Sport defines risk management, explains why effective risk management is necessary, and provides a practical description of the risk management process as it applies to sport organizations.

  • Effective Communication - $24.95

    • This program examines the way we communicate, the factors that influence communication and the increasing role of the Internet and electronic communications in the volunteer sector.



  • Gender Equity Lens E-Module - $25.00 LINK

    • Whether we realize it or not, each of us looks at the world differently, through different lenses which shape our perceptions, attitudes, and actions. With this new e-module from Canadian Women & Sport, you’ll learn how to bring a gender lens to sport and reflect on how your decisions can impact people differently. More importantly, it will help you make policy and program decisions to better serve women and girls. 

  • Keep Girls in Sport - $20.00 LINK

    • Learn how to create safe and respectful environments for girls to participate in sport and physical activity with this e-module for coaches and activity leaders, developed by Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities in partnership with Canadian Women & Sport and the Coaching Association of Canada. Studies have repeatedly shown that during adolescence, girls drop out of sport at a significantly higher rate than boys – 41 per cent of girls between the ages of 3 and 17 don’t participate in sport, and as girls enter adolescence, their overall participation rate drops by 22 per cent. In this e-module, coaches and activity leaders will build their understanding of how to address common motivators and barriers for girls and ultimately keep them engaged in sport.