Trailblazing Equity Builders Lead Squash Ontario Into the Future – THANK YOU

Simon Kay (left) Fundraising Committee Member, Ash Singh (middle) Equity Builders President and Fundraising Committee Member, Jamie Nicholls (right) Squash Ontario Executive Director

Simon Kay (left) Fundraising Committee Member, Ash Singh (middle) Equity Builders President and Fundraising Committee Member, Jamie Nicholls (right) Squash Ontario Executive Director

In the summer of 2017 Squash Ontario was slowly and steadily growing and developing its programs when a group of visionary business leaders came together to form the inaugural SO Fundraising Committee. This passionate and energetic committee dramatically accelerated the organization in a few short months and kick started Squash Ontario 2.0 as we now hurl towards a very promising future. The group quickly recognized that the landscape was rapidly changing and that successful sports no longer could rely on decreasing government funding but instead must develop robust corporate partnership and individual donation programs. They saw a passionate and committed Squash Ontario community that would support our sport if the right strategy, leadership and communication existed. 

Founding member of this group Ash Singh of Equity Builders believed so much in this concept that his company challenged others to contribute by matching up to $25,000 in funds raised to ignite the fire. Within the next 48 hours $50,000 was raised in support of junior squash, which would previously have taken us a year to achieve! With thanks to fellow committee members Steve Yuzpe, Simon Kay, Heather MacLean, Peter McCarthy, Bruce Marrison, Javed Khan, Faheem Tejani, Martha Simmons and Ralph Shillington, Squash Ontario raised $250,000 in 2019-20 which has been directly reinvested back into the sport. The Singh Family and Equity Builders continue to support as Platinum Corporate Partners along with the Jesters of Ontario, Slaight Music, Travel Edge and YDC Pro and are supported by Gold Sponsors Forthlane Partners, Harrow Sports, Mortgage Company of Canada and the Toronto Center for Medical Imaging.

Equity Builders is a leading real estate firm whose mission is to be a multiplier in their client’s investment by providing game changing investment opportunities and comprehensive management services. Equity Builders CEO Ash Singh and CFO Mona Singh are extremely passionate about the sport of squash and have experienced their two competitive juniors progress through the Squash Ontario Junior pathway, learning valuable life skills both on and off the courts. “We have seen our kids build independence, resilience, grit, work ethic, comradery and mental strength thanks to their time on the courts. These are invaluable skills that they carry with them in all aspects of their life. At a time where entitlement and lack of social connection is an epidemic in society, the value of time on the courts has never been greater,” notes Ash. Squash Ontario recognizes Equity Builders and the Singh Family for seeing the future of our sport and pushing the organization to reach their potential. We now have the tools to grow our sport and put athletes on podiums – THANK YOU!