Wheelchair Squash 57 Open House

All are welcome to come out and try Wheelchair Squash57 at the upcoming Open House event being held at the Toronto Cricket, Curling and Skating Club on October 28th. Wheelchair Squash57 has modified the rules to make it ideal for anyone with mobility issues, or those who now find squash difficult on their bodies and would like to try playing in a sport wheelchair.

Squash Ontario is extremely excited to partner with Program Director Lolly Gillen and the Toronto Cricket Club for this event, as Squash Ontario will be purchasing our own sport chairs to promote Wheelchair Squash57 across the province. Our end goal is to incorporate Wheelchair Squash57 events into our provincial championships.

Wheelchair Squash57-Cricket, has been running a successful program for the last 6 months and through Squash Canada’s IDEA fund, were able to purchase 4 sport specific wheelchairs to make the experience even better for participants!.

If you are interested in trying Wheelchair Squash57 or want to learn more about it, we highly encourage you to join us on October 28th from 1-3 pm. Equipment and wheelchairs will be provided, and the Toronto Cricket Club squash courts are easily accessible.

SQUASH57 is a fun, exciting aerobic game played on a squash court with a 5" shorter & bigger head racquet using a bigger bouncier (57 mm) ball. Squash57 is low impact, easy to learn lifetime sport ideal for all levels of play, including those with mobility limitations. Squash57 is recognized by the World Squash Federation and is hugely popular in the UK and many other countries around the world

REGISTER TODAY BY EMAILING - squash57@rogers.com