Squash Ontario Welcomes Back Mortgage Company of Canada Inc. as A Corporate Partner

Squash Ontario welcomes back Mortgage Company of Canada Inc. to its integral group of Corporate Partners for the 2023-2024 squash season.  MCOCI has been supporting Squash Ontario since 2018, supporting a wide range of programs and events for our athletes. For the 2023-2024 season, MCOCI will be contributing to the Junior Silver circuit of events which is a key development competition circuit for juniors who are budding into high performance athletes.

In addition to the Silver events, Mortgage Company of Canada Inc. has helped Squash Ontario create and launch a Financial Assistance Program for junior players and families looking to participate in junior Grand Prix, Silver, or Gold events, but may not have the budget to do so. We recognize that cost increases in junior sports programming may prevent participation for some families, while at the same time need to consider entry fee cost increases to support the host clubs, cover increasing event costs, etc. With this program, we hope to provide an alternative solution for families to continue to participate in squash. Please CLICK HERE to learn more about this program.

With thanks to these contributions, Squash Ontario can continue to deliver quality and extra value to players, encouraging participation at the important junior development stages. Squash Ontario is particularly thankful to MCOCI’s President Faheem Tejani and his family of three high-performance athletes, that have fallen in love with our great sport.  We welcome Mortgage Company of Canada as a Corporate Partner and thank them for their support of junior squash in Ontario!

About Mortgage Company of Canada Inc.

Mortgage Company of Canada is a Toronto-based mortgage investment company that invests in a portfolio of single family residential mortgages primarily in the Greater Toronto Area. MCOCI provides investors who are interested in an alternative investment class with an opportunity to participate in a portfolio of professionally managed, high-yielding Canadian mortgages. Please visit www.capitalassetlending.com for more information.