Squash Ontario Considering Proof of Full Vaccination for Children and Boosters for Adults as early as March 2022 for Tournament Play

Dear Squash Community,

Since early September, Squash Ontario, mandated that all eligible players must show proof of vaccination prior to entry into an accredited squash tournament. This requirement was further enhanced by the provincial regulation that sports facilities must require proof of vaccination prior to entry into the facility.  This vaccination mandate remains a necessary component of keeping our community safe from the transmission of COVID-19 and able to continue to play, train, and compete in squash.

Recently, with the news of children aged 5-12 now eligible for vaccinations in Ontario and with 3rd doses eligible for all Ontarians 18 and over, Squash Ontario and it’s COVID-19 Task Force is considering mandating that:

1.      all players aged 5-17 must be fully vaccinated with two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine in order to participate in a Squash Ontario sanctioned event, and

2.      all players aged 18 and up must have received a 3rd dose of the vaccine to participate in a Squash Ontario sanctioned event.

A specific date has not been yet been set for these new requirements but will be determined based on a number of factors such as provincial vaccination rates and access. Initially, the discussion focused on March, 2022, as a possible time frame for this new mandate, but with the booster eligibility now open to players 18 and up as early as Monday, December 20th, this date could even be sooner.

This notice is to inform all players of possible changes to the Squash Ontario COVID-19 Competitions Policy for vaccinations in order to provide plenty of time for the community to receive their vaccinations.

Should you have any questions about this, please connect with Lynsey Yates, Squash Ontario Executive Director, at lyates@squashontario.com.

Thank you and happy holidays!

Squash Ontario