Harrow Sports Gold Corporate Partner and COVID-19 Champion - THANK YOU


Over the past two months, Squash Ontario has featured many of the special corporate partners that form the bedrock of our athlete development programming. This week, we profile Harrow Sports who aside from being a gold level contributor to junior squash in Ontario, are also taking on a larger calling as they help tackle COVID-19. 

For the past 4 seasons, Harrow has contributed $7,500 annually as the presenting sponsor of our critical Grand Prix and Silver Junior Circuits, helping to provide an incredible tournament experience and hooking new grassroots players to the junior scene. They also support Team Ontario junior and senior athletes as our official apparel supplier and by sponsoring many of our provincial team members. Canadian distributors Jeff Corey and Seanna Keating are deeply embedded in the Ontario squash community as self-described squash addicts that can be seen on the courts and at tournaments weekly. 

Now turning their attention to the production of much needed face masks, Harrow Sports has partnered with Squash Ontario yet again to offer a 10% discount on any custom mask order for clubs or groups using the promo code "SquashOntarioVIP". See the link below for a price list and contact Seanna for more information at seanna.keating@harrowsports.com.

THANK YOU Harrow for your continued support and for all you do for our sport!