2018 Ontario Women's Masters Team Squash Tournament

A message from the Kingston Garrison Squash Club organizing committee:

In Kingston this past weekend, the Women's Masters Squash community celebrated the 12th edition of the Ontario Team Tournament, with gritty competition on the court, followed by fantastic food and dance party off the court. Saturday night's festivities were held at Historical Fort Frontenac, a one in a lifetime experience. 


Women from all ages, ranging from 30 to 81 years old, and from various squash experiences competed in this event.

The results are as follows:

  • 1st place: Team Mackinnon


2nd place: Team Side Launch


3rd place: Team Dragon's Breath

We have hopefully inspired other clubs to take on this event next year. We will be passing the torch and all its related documents to the next organizing committee.

We would like to thank Louis and Elizabeth Cyr from the Garrison Squash Club for their time and incredible support in hosting this memorable event. 

Happy Women’s Squash Week!


Lisa and Steph