Squash Ontario Return to Play Guidelines - MARCH 17TH, 2022 Update


Squash Ontario Return to Play

Ontario moved back to Step 3 of Ontario’s Roadmap to Reopen effective January 31, 2022. The Ontario government has published regulations regarding Step 3 - please see O. Reg. 364/20 for all of the details.  

The following table sets forth the rules and restrictions that are required to be followed by all indoor squash facilities in Step 3 as of January 31 and the additional modifications that follow. Please note that modifications are subject to change based on then current Covid-19 trends and data. 

Note that some jurisdictions, and facilities located in those jurisdictions, may be subject to additional measures or restrictions by local authorities. Facilities should amend their practices and procedures to comply with any such additional measures or restrictions as and when they may be implemented. Squash Ontario will not be providing amended Recommendations in response to local measures or restrictions; however, facilities can consult with Squash Ontario in relation to specific questions or concerns.