Welcoming Alison and Waseem to the Squash Ontario Team


Please join us in welcoming two new staff to the Squash Ontario team this season Alison Le Ber and Waseem Mansoor. With increased squash activity and new leagues, initiatives, programs, and more, Alison and Waseem will be key Squash Ontario players this squash season!

An active Masters player and committee member of the Chestnuts Hill Developments Complex (formerly known as the Pickering Recreation Complex) and the Toronto & DIstrict Women's Squash Association, Alison Le Ber will head up Squash Ontario's ambitious 'Operation OFSAA' initiative as well as help out at tournaments throughout the province. Recently retired from teaching, Alison will be an excellent resource for anyone looking to launch school squash programs in their Phys. Ed. classes or after school programs. For school squash related inquiries, contact Alison at alison@squashontario.com.

Waseem Mansoor joins us as a recent graduate of York University, previous Jesters University League and Squash Ontario junior player. This season, Waseem will be coordinating the Jesters University League, assist at junior tournaments, and help with our transition to the Club Locker member database and rankings program. Waseem has been a life long squash community member and will be a great tournament resource. For Jesters University League or other inquiries, contact Waseem at waseem@squashontario.com.

We are also excited to share that Humber College Sports Management student Austin Lia will be joining us every Wednesday to Friday in the office to help with tournament entries and inquiries from all of you. Make sure to say hi to Austin on the phone or at the next squash tournament!