Squash Ontario Welcomes YDC Pro as a Platinum Corporate Partner

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Squash Ontario is pleased to announce our newest Platinum Corporate Partner YDC Pro, a cutting edge Digital and Artificial Intelligence Firm, with thanks to Javed Khan and family who continue to be generous benefactors of our sport.

YDC Pro will join Equity Builders, The Jesters of Ontario, Slaight Music and Sprott Resources as the five corporate pillars that will support the foundation of Squash Ontario’s junior and senior development programs designed to maintain and grow Ontario’s standing as a world leader in our sport. 

YDC Pro provides practical Digital and Artificial Intelligence based solutions and consulting services, drastically simplifying your Digital, Regulatory, Mobile, Data Management and Software Development challenges. 

The YDC contribution will specifically focus on the development and expansion of the Squash Ontario officiating program that will support our world class refereeing group by getting them to more events as well as an enhanced training and education program for athletes, volunteers and parents.

Mr Khan, the proud father of three aspiring young junior players (Aleeza, Faazil and Faraaz) says “It is an honor to support the game of squash in Ontario. We all need to support our new generation become better leaders for tomorrow. Squash is a great sport that teaches you the life long skills of time management, managing under pressure, endurance and more importantly building long term relationships”. 

Squash Ontario thanks YDC Pro for their commitment to the sport and to all of our many generous sponsors and donors who continue to make our community truly special.