Squash Ontario Needs Your Help to Grow our Sport

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Squash Ontario is pleased to be celebrating the 16th anniversary of the Charity Golf Classic, Squash Ontario’s premier fundraising event led by title sponsors Arrow Capital Management Inc.Slaight Music, and Dowling I.D.A (McCue family). This event was initiated by the late Mark Sachvie who was a force for driving the development of squash at the junior level.

This past season Squash Ontario broke all fundraising records and put over $100,000 into athletes and junior development programs. Critical initiatives including grassroots and community programs, school squash, regional training squads, talent identification camps, U.S. Junior Open support, team Ontario’s Canada Games squad and the newly launched provincial training center were supported with these funds through our generous sponsors and donors. 

Today we ask for your partnership in continuing to support these programs for the upcoming season as we usher in the next generation of squash players in our province. There are three easy ways to support the June 15th Charity Golf Classic are:

  1. Donate a gift to the prize table or silent auction (tax receipts available); 
  2. Become a Corporate Sponsor for as little as $200.00; or
  3. Make a monetary donation to the Lee Hanebury Junior Squash Fund - Click Here

We can make this event even bigger and better than ever and with this note we hope to encourage the entire squash community to come together and join us on June 15th as we celebrate our sport. For more information about the event, please visit our Charity Golf Classic web page.

If you are able to help, please call Squash Ontario at 647-360-0420 or email admin@squashontario.com. We sincerely appreciate your support and thank you for being incredible friends and supporters!