Limited to 16 teams per division. Your team has not secured their spot until BOTH players have registered.
Host club: Mayfair Lakeshore, Toronto (additional local venue will be used if required)
Tournament Chair: Ben Hatcher, Mayfair Lakeshore Head Professional
Dates: February 28-March 1, 2025
Closing Date: Feb. 19 at 11:30 pm (early bird deadline November 3)
Divisions: Women's 30+ A, B, C, as well as 60+ and 65+ (if less than 4 teams, divisions will be combined). Players who compete in T&D Division 1 are unable to participate in the C draw.
If you are interested in playing but need help finding a partner, contact and the tournament chair for assistance.
Entry fee: $104.50+hst
We will provide a clinic for all C level participants sometime throughout the event (time TBD). This is included with your entry and will be an opportunity to learn more about the game of doubles from professionals.
Entry includes: minimum 2 matches, one meal, prizes and medals for top 3.