Dates: March 4-6
Tournament Chair: Matt Easingwood
Location: The club at White Oaks
Deadlines and Entry fees: Register by February 16th to get early bird registration fee of $75 +hst. After February 16th, $85 +hst. Registration closes Wednesday, February 23rd.
Entry includes: Saturday lunch and buffet dinner, including complimentary beer and wine, as well as a live band. Prizes and medals for winning teams!
White Oaks Resort tournament rate - call the hotel at +1 800-263-5766
Teams will be made up of the following players:
A Division Teams of 9 (5 men, 4 women) Male and female for 30+, 40+, 50+, 55+ and a male 60+
B/C Division Teams of 5 (3 men, 2 women) Must have at least one 30+ male or female, a 40+ male or female and a 50+ male.
Players must email captains in the region where they live before registering to ensure there is an open spot on the team. Register at your preferred level. Captains will format the teams for both A and B/C levels when registration closes February 23rd.
The region that you play for is based off of your home address, not your home club.