Name of event: Fast Eddie Junior Bronze
Date of event: Saturday, December 1, 2018 from 1:00 to 5:00pm
Hosting club: Granite Club
Telephone no.: Granite Club 416-449-8713
Telephone entries to: (Jim at the Granite)
Entry fee: $40
Closing date for entries: One week before the event. Maximum 25 juniors – Always sells out so sign up FAST!
Starting times available: All players begin play at 1:00 pm sharp
Events: All levels of novice players age 7 to 12 should be able to get your serve in most of the time.
Notes: White Clothing Only and Protective Eyewear Mandatory
Social events: Afternoon fruit at 2:30pm and chicken fingers, fries and ice cream sundaes at 4:30pm
Sponsored by: Slaight Music, Salming and Adidas