Provincial Championships will be restricted to the following players:
Top 24 ranked players in the Girls & Boys Under 19, Boys Under 17 with 4 local spots and 4 out of province spots awarded in each draw awarded by Tournament Chair.
Top 12 ranked players in the Girls Under 17, Boys & Girls Under 15, Boys & Girls Under 13, Boys & Girls Under 11 with 2 local spots and 2 out of province spots in each draw awarded by Tournament Chair.
After Wednesday deadlines have passed (2.5 weeks prior to start), any available local and out of province spots will be awarded in order to next highest ranked players (ie #25 in BU17 will be the first player contacted) on the wait list and they will have until Friday at 12:00 pm to confirm their registration.
Juniors must play in their age group, unless they meet the following criteria:
Won any 2 (two) of the following junior events in their current age group:
Nationals, Provincial Championships, Golds